Monday, December 14, 2015

Week 6 Group Email - Dated Dec. 13

This week has been pretty good! We taught Tai the Plan of Love which was our only real lesson this week. Tai is cool, but he has kinda told us that he has his faith, and that he has already been saved by Christ. But we will continue to let the spirit testify to him that we are truly messengers of Christ and he needs to be baptized by the Priesthood power of God.
After we taught a lesson in Balclutha to a Samoan investigator, we were able to go to Chrystal Beach. It's somewhere pretty south. It's a pretty cool beach but SO windy!!! the sand and pebbles soon became airborne and started destroying my neck and ears with the piercing cold combined with gritty dirt. But other than that, very beautiful place haha.

I was also able to run in to an All Black player!! He played on the 91' to 96' teams in world championships and all that! He came up to us and said "Elders!!" which kind of threw us off because no one calls us that or knows who we are here! He said that he had a scholarship and played college rugby at Utah State! He was very nice and gave us his athlete card!

At church we had 2 members come. I had to give a 20 + minute talk to try and make our meeting last the whole hour. After sacrament we had a 20 minute sunday school lesson and then church was over! Just like that. 
So after the meeting, we went over to the park because there was a Christmas parade in Gore! They had a BBQ in the park so we saw an awesome opportunity to street contact! We were handing out a bunch of small Christmas cards that link to the video made by our church "A Savior is Born" and after about 30 minutes of trying to hand out these cards we came to find out it was a Baptist BBQ and just about everyone there was Baptist so that explains why so many people said they weren't interested. And they soon started to play some Baptist gospel rock music but when they began to do that, God told them that rock isn't something you do on the Sabbath and it began to pour on them haha. So we left and went to visit other people. Pretty fun week. 

I have also been able to use some of my photography to meet and get to know people! I was able to grab a bunch of my photography off of dropbox (with permission) and we made our planners more personal and more useable! We paste pictures on them and trim them up and they look very nice! 

Happy Holidays!

Elder LaMunyon

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