Monday, December 21, 2015

Week 7 - {Dec. 20, 2015}


So there was no group email this week, but he did send a ton of pictures.

Here are some excerpts from his email to me:

The work is SO hard. I now see how Gore is the hardest area in the islands. Wow. I'm grateful to have the experience though. At least I will be completely used to rejection by the time i'm transferred. Tai and Vivian are progressing though, they came to church so that was awesome. She had to pull out her fake teeth to eat at the potluck and Elder T accidentally knocked them over on to the ground and he was sooo embarrassed hahaha. 

I asked if it was hard for elder T to keep working hard since he's going home on Dec. 30  & what his plans were for Christmas & if people decorate and stuff like we do for Christmas :

Elder T has worked really hard and had no success here except for Tai and Viv. Plus this week we are hardly even allowed to go out and proselyte. Gore loves alcohol. So we will mainly just be hanging with Tai and Viv and hopefully a member or two. The senior couple Elder and Sister Beckman have told us we are welcome in their home whenever and christmas we can go eat at their house. They said they will have food out all day so we can eat, go to the flat, sleep and just go back and eat and talk whenever. So that's nice. No missionaries in Gore have ever been fed or anything for christmas by people. Crazy. People don't really decorate. At least from the houses we have been allowed into which is like 3 homes since i've been here.

I asked how/if he was using his photography as a tool on his mission and then if they had gone anywhere cool last week:

I want to start taking pictures of people I just don't want to offend. Especially if i'm in my badge. But I'm going to try and use it to find people soon. We just walked around Gore this week, we didn't go anywhere exotic. Gore is like the Detroit of the Pacific Islands. We went to an abandoned cereal mill and took pics and stuff and then I was able to go take pictures at a Sheep Shearing Shed! 

Cereal mill

Cereal mill

Shearing shed

Seriously that lamb is one of my new favorites!!

This guy is the fastest shearer in the world. He won the world championship in 2011. 

The dog is Bryson's favorite photo

Anyway, that's our report this week. He seems to be doing well, but it's hard for them to stay busy with the work because of the size of the city and the response of the people - any prayers for opportunities would be appreciated. And also, pray that his new companion will be a hard worker and they will be able to be inspired in how to spend their time. 

Love to you all!!

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